Vegan runner breaks course record over six days

Florida saw the location for one of the most challenging of races when it hosted the Icarus Florida Ultrafest. The event offered six time-based challenges starting at a twelve hour event, while the longest was contested over six days.

Vegan takes UK title – and breaks a record

Vegan potter Neil Robertson took his third UK Championship on Sunday night in one of the most tense finals seen in the competition.

Vegan athletes smashed it in 2020!

2020 saw sporting fixtures cancelled across the globe as the COVID-19 pandemic spread. This meant there was less to report - but it didn't stop vegan athletes doing incredible things.

Hamilton’s victory equals the all-time record

Lewis Hamilton secured a seventh World Championship on Sunday, and used the opportunity to highlight his concerns around equality and sustainability.

Vegan completes ‘Everest’ in Canadian mountains

Vegan runner Alister Gardner took on an extreme challenge that would test any elite runner.

Vegan takes European Gold!

Masters runner Lisa Gawthorne overcame a recent injury to compete against Europe’s best – and bring home three medals.

Vegan bikes the World Championships

Vegan Mountain Biker Frans Claes followed up his strong performance in the Belgian nationals with a determined race in the World Championships.

More world records for vegan powerlifter Glenda

Just four weeks after bagging seventeen world records, Glenda Presutti was back in action looking for more!

World records fall to Oz’s vegan lifter!

Veteran lifter Glenda Presutti bagged an astonishing range of powerlifting records at national to world level after some monster lifts at the Australian Masters Championships.

Frans races the muddy forest tracks in the Belgian Nationals

As Covid-19 spread across Europe, mountain biker Frans Claes faced lockdown. The former Belgian champion, who competed in the Championships again just days ago, knew this was an opportunity to adapt and to help out.

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