Great Vegan Athletes

Elite athletes worldwide are thriving on a plant-strong diet. Discover their journey and success fueled by plants and determination.

Bereaved father completes record 100 kg marathon

Jordan Mulligan is a film maker, not a strongman. He trains strength events, and has undertaken one of the most incredible challenges you could imagine – and is following it up with something bigger.

World Cup Gold for vegan swimmer

The vegan mermaid has been competing in the World Cup in Budapest.

Six medal haul for vegan runner at the Puerto Rico nationals

The veteran has represented both the USA and Puerto Rico internationally. She’s returned to her place of birth to take part in the Masters National Championships.

Vegan power at World Championships as records fall

Vegan lifters from Belgium and Great Britain competed at the IPF Championships and put in solid performances. They had contrasting emotions, although both proved their exceptional quality.

Vegan powers to more State records!

It seems as though it was just weeks ago that the ‘Vegan Meathead’ was saying goodbye to Texas having broken another record. He was looking forward to working on the Virginia records, and has already given us something to report!

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