Vegan Hulda at the Icelandic Cup

Hulda competed in the 84kg category, although weighing in at just under 77kg she was the lightest in her category.

Greg hopes his vegan physique will bring him another win

Greg Moormann entered his fourth competition of the year in the Cayman Islands. Unbeaten in his 40+ category the US based vegan again took the title in the Men’s Physique Masters 40+ category.

Another vegan Gold for Duhamel

The pair are now twice World Champions and five times Canadian champions, and at Skate Canada started the Grand Prix circuit for the 2016-7 season.

85km Trail World Championships challenges Vlad

The 85 km course was taken on by the top three runners from each country and featured extremely tough terrain and an amazing 4500 metres of height gain. This made the run the equivalent of climbing a substantial mountain in addition to the distance. Vlad represented Australia.

Series win for Pumpelly

Now Spencer and racing partner Nick Galante have completed an excellent season in the Continental Tire Sportscar Challenge where they have secured the title.

Fight night for the Fury

Claire Foreman had an interstate fight which attracted attention and gave her an excellent opportunity to show her abilities.

Ben’s desert adventure in Chile

More extreme conditions awaited Ben Dame when he took on the Atacama crossing in Chile.

Vlad Ixel and more trail adventures

Anyone who’s followed Vlad’s progress knows that he has a habit of picking really tough events. Tranlantau Two Peaks was no difference as the course represented a total distance of just under four kilometres – in vertical height gain.

Savate World Championships sees James Southwood facing the best

Competing as World Champion

International challenges for Sweden’s vegan rower

“If you win you are dubbed world champion of your age group” Ida told us soon afterwards. “I competed in single, pair, double and mix double.”

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