

James Southwood fighter vegetarian from birth

James Southwood is an expert instructor and champion fighter in Savate. Savate (pronounced "Suh-vat") is a dynamic sport that combines movements from English boxing and French kicking. He is a multiple Great British Champion, 2008 World Bronze Medallist, European Silver Medallist (twice), 2016 World Vice-Champion, and 2014 World Champion.

Jim Morris bodybuilder

Jim Morris was a bodybuilder who has had an amazing career well into his older years. In the picture above he is aged 61.

Harri Nieminen fighter

Former World Champion Harri travelled to Thailand to win the 1997 Thai Boxing title at 60kg. He beat the US champion in the semi and the Thai champion in the final.

Patrik Baboumian bodybuilder powerlifter strong vegan strongman/strongwoman

Patrik was born in Iran and lives in Germany. In 1999 aged 20 he won the German Junior Bodybuilding title.

Meagan Duhamel figure skater

Canadian Meagan Duhamel has skated singly and in pairs, although she is best known for skating in pairs. She has seven national titles, three Winter Olympic medals and seven national titles.

Spencer Pumpelly motor sports competitor

Spencer is established as one of the most successful drivers in North American race car driving.  He has been competing at the top level for over twenty years.  Spencer scored wins in the American Le Mans series and the Grand-Am Rolex Series.  He has two GT class wins at the prestigious Rolex 24 Hours at Daytona.

Andy Lally motor sports competitor

Andy Lally is a world class racing driver who has achieved historic all-time milestones.

Alexander Dargatz bodybuilder

Alex shot to fame in December 2005 when he won the World Champion Fitness title with WFF (World Fitness Federation). Five years before this he had become vegan in response to the cruelty of the animal food industries.

Joel Kirkilis bodybuilder powerlifter strong vegan

Australian Joel Kirkilis is a vegan bodybuilder who became the Victoria (Aus) bodybuilding champion in 2009. In 2010 he entered the INBA Melbourne Open and the Victoria Class 2 competition, and finished second in each.

Rob Bigwood strong vegan

Rob took up arm-wrestling in 2000. It was after a tournament in 2002 that he first starting feeling uncomfortable about eating meat and moving towards a vegan diet. Like many people, Rob had been led to believe that meat was an important part of building strength.

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