Cheavon Clarke


Cheavon was born and raised in rural Jamaica, and has become an internationally recognised boxer representing Great Britain.

  • Medallist at Commonwealth Games, EU Championships and European Games as an amateur
  • Olympian
  • Unbeaten as a professional

In 2001 he moved to England and he took up boxing for the fitness. As an amateur he won competitions across the country. In 2014 he represented Jamaica in the 2014 Commonwealth Games and moved to the GB Boxing team in 2017.

Cheavon won a silver medal at the 2017 European Championships at heavyweight. In 2018 he won bronze at both the EU Championships and the Commonwealth games, and in 2019 he won bronze at the European games. He was selected for Team GB to compete at the 2020 Olympics.

In 2022 he won his first professional match. He fought at cruiserweight and won a second round knockout. It was in the undercard of a world title defence by Lawrence Okolie – who at the time was eating vegan.  In 2022 he won against David Jamieson (more here).  In 2023 he beat Israel Duffus (more here) to be awarded a title eliminator, which he won (here).  This got him a title shot, and in September 2023 he took the IBF International Cruiserweight title (more here).

He defended this against a dangerous opponent in August 2024 (more here).

So being able to eat something, digest it, have a quick little rest, and go again. It’s great. Before when I was eating meat, that took a lot longer,

Turning vegan

Cheavon has been vegan since 2018. “One day I was eating meat, and the next day I said I’m done with meat, dairy, and all of that. And then just went on a journey from there,” he said.

“There’s not a lot of time between training, resting, eating, training again. So being able to eat something, digest it, have a quick little rest, and go again. It’s great. Before when I was eating meat, that took a lot longer,” he said.

Notable successes in sport from boxers like Unsal Arik, Cam Awesome, Bryant Jennings and Emily Jans showed that you can fight as a vegan, although there has been some interest in Cheavon’s decision. He doesn’t seem bothered.

“Everybody’s entitled to their opinion and it’s not for me to try and correct them” he says. “I just do what I do and they’ll see the results. And then they have to check themselves.

“You can go back and forth with people, you’ll be at a standstill argument. If somebody believes something, they’ll believe it. As I said, it’s just for you to show and prove rather than being there talking all day.”

“If you lead by example and just do your own thing, people are more likely to ask ‘oh, why are you doing that?’ and actually try it. And that’s the opportunity to show them why it’s good.”

“I know it works for me. And there’s other people that say it works for them and that’s all that matters.”

“I’m sure if other people try it, it will work for them as well”.

The digestion edge

Boxers are often told to consume meals three hours before training. Cheavon finds he digests food much quicker and can enjoy eating under an hour before heading to the gym.

“I can cook up a meal, my favourite Birds Eye one is the Southern Fried Strips.

“I could whip something like that up, eat it and I’m able to go and train again within half an hour, 45 minutes.

“Whereas before, if I had like chicken or beef for example, I’d be chilled out for ages, I’d be tired, you know when you eat and feel tired?”

He often trains on a running track before a breakfast of oats, then trains in the gym using pads or strength and conditioning.

A typical lunch would be a wrap with Birds Eye strips and vegan mayonnaise. An afternoon session would often be sparring, then he often eats a stir-fry.

He’s partnered with the Bird’s Eye Green Cuisine range, which uses pea protein.

The future

Cheavon was pleased to sign professional terms with Eddie Hearn’s Matchroom team, and knew what he could offer.

“I’ll bring that excitement and explosiveness, ferociousness and bad intentions. I can do it all, I can mix it all up. I can give you a bit of the Mike Tyson, a bit of the Ali, the Roy Jones. Ultimately, I’m Cheavon Clarke. There can only be one of anybody and I’m just the best Cheavon Clarke I can be.”



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