Boom! Three vegans take places at Strongman Nationals.

Two Strongmen and a Strongwoman aimed to secure an invite for the Arnold Sports festival – and they all hit the goal.

26 September 2024

Bradie Crandall was recovering from an injury when we last reported on him competing, and he promised he would be better when fully recovered.  He delivered on the promise.

“First time competing at Strongman Corporation Nationals and I did well enough to secure a spot to compete at the Arnold!” he said.  In the last year he’s completed a doctorate on some incredible work which could aid the fight against climate change as well as transitioned from powerlifting.

Despite tweaking his back warming up, he went on to finish 9th out of 32 and take that Arnold’s place. “I’ll now be taking a week off to rest my back before prepping for my next competition in October at Mr. America as Strongman Captain for the Plantbuilt Team” he says.  Seriously Bradie, just one week?

Top spot!

In the women’s event Melissa Busta put in a fantastic performance.  Melissa started bodybuilding in 2022 and won a Pro Card.  In 2023 she started strongman

“I decided to try Strongman the next year and won a shot at Nationals, placing 3rd overall and this year went back and won it & my pro card!”

She’s been vegan since 2013.

“I believe it’s been the reason why I’m able to build, recover and compete at such high levels!”

Melissa is a nurse and went vegan after an experience few of us get.

“I was in an open heart surgery and saw first hand what diet can do to your arteries and heart. I couldn’t wait for that nutrition course to teach us how to prevent these diseases… never got the course. Graduation came and I started to research for myself how food and disease were related.”

The Yeti too

Ahead of Bradie was Ric Carroll.  ‘The Yeti’ is also overcoming injury, and put in a fantastic two days to finish 6th and book his spot at Arnold.

Ric has had his eye on the competition all year, and is loving the competition with Bradie as they’re in the same category.  He’s stoked that they’re both going to Arnold.

“Yeah I can’t wait!” he says.  “We are going head to head at Mr. America then the Arnold as well. Love the support and camaraderie even better when it’s from my vegan brother!”


What did they have to do?

These were the events. The women did the same although weights were lower.

  • Conan’s wheel, 250 kg (550 lbs)
  • Maximum deadlift
  • Max height sandbag toss 22.5 kg (50 lbs) 15.5 ft.)
  • Axle/log press medley.
  • Farmer’s carry with turn 140 kg (310 lbs. each hand, 80 ft.)
  • Sandbag steeple chase, 125 kg and 135 kg  (275 and 300 lb) sandbags.