

Jay Oliveira fighter

Jay has made a rapid impact on the martial art of Brazillian Jiu Jitsu as he has fought his way to the very top.

Stefhan Andersen cyclist runner swimmer

Swedish national triathlon champion Stefhan Andersen celebrates a decade as a vegan this year, having turned vegan in 2007.

Julia Hubbard bodybuilder runner

Julia has been a prolific competitor in a variety of sports, competing internationally in bobsleigh, bodybuilding, fitness and sprinting.

Julia Trezise-Conroy powerlifter strong vegan

Julia is a powerlifter from New Zealand who has been recognized with some amazing lifts. She holds the national records in all three lifts in the sub 52 kg category.

Alberto Pelaez Serrano runner

Alberto Pelaez Serrano is an experienced ultramarathon runner. He has won twelve ultramarathons and marathons - including the high profile ‘Ultramarathon of Lanzarote’ three times. He has the speed record for ascending and descending the Toubkal Mountain in Morocco - that's 4167 metres of height gain.

Derek Tresize bodybuilder

Derek Tresize is a professional bodybuilder and has been a vegan since 2007. He holds a Bachelor of Science in Biology, is a personal trainer through the American Council on Exercise and has a certificate in Plant-Based Nutrition through Cornell University.

Alison Crowdus powerlifter strong vegan

Alison Crowdus is a powerlifter based in Northern Kentucky, USA who has qualified for the XPC Finals at the Arnold Sports Festival.

Ivan Blazquez bodybuilder

Ivan Blazquez is a certified exercise physiologist with a master's degree in exercise physiology. He's also a pro natural physique competitor/bodybuilder - and a competitive triathlete. Ivan holds a coveted pro card in natural bodybuilding since 2009. He gradually transitioned to a vegan diet as he experienced benefits for both health and physical performance.

Johanna Jahnke cyclist rugby player

Johanna has made an impact in two major sports since turning vegan. Following a successful period in which she captained her rugby union club team FC St. Pauli twice, she has established herself as a world class fixedgear cyclist.

Hulda B Waage powerlifter strong vegan

In a nation known for its powerlifting and strength sports it can be hard to stand out, although Hulda B. Waage has done this. The Icelandic powerlifter has established herself as a leading powerlifter who competed in both raw and equipped powerlifting, holding several national records.

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